Thursday, June 25, 2009


今天上了张锦贵教授宝贵的的一堂。 为什么顾客和员工会离开呢?看看张教授告诉我们以下的数据!

搬走的 - 3%

跟其他公司建立关系 - 5%

我们竞争输人家的 - 9%

不喜欢产品和服务态度的 - 14%

感觉被忽视或无理的对待 - 69%


千万不要犯下 (福建话)头烧烧,尾冷冷 的错误哦!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Korea Extravaganza 2009 Movie 韩国风云盛会2009精彩花絮

靠什么去成功 - 改变你一生的九堂课



思路 - 决定出路的殷实之源
1. 心有多大,舞台就有多大
2. 没有做不到,只有想不到
3. 没有最好,只有更好
4. 路到尽头,适时转弯


Korea Extravaganza 2009

Yeah! Just back from Korea Extravaganza 2009. Look at the 14000 strong crowd from 13 countries at Asian Pacific Region behind me. Its simply electricfying.

Its Proven! Its Powerful! Now its the Time!

Lets make the World A Healthier Place to live in with our Finest Nutrition Products in the entire world.

Just Do It!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Be a Production Leader

I vividly remember one of my earlier lesson in Leadership. The definition of leadership is Influence. Nothing more nothing less and i was tauhght that there are 5 levels of Leadership.
1. Position Leader - Rights (People follow becoz they have to)
2. Permission Leader - Relationships (People follow because they want to)
3. Production Leader - Results (People follow because of what you have done for the organisation)
4. People Development Leader - Reproduction (People follow becoz of wat u have done for them)
5. Personhood Leader - Respect (People follow becoz of who u are and what u represent)

Be a production leader as quickly as possible and stay there as long as we can. This is the position we wanna attain fast as a leader and practice that well and thats where things start to happen from there. Always stay in production mode and be focus. Thats how production leaders become successful in leading an organisation.