Thursday, April 30, 2009

胡彦斌 - 男人KTV

Which Events Will Inspire You

Quotes by Chairman's Club Member Bea Bos.

You NEVER knew which events will inspire you.
The one you MISS is going to be the one that will inspire you.
Every 90 Days, we need to sharpen our SAW.
If you Miss the event as you did not qualify, you are trying too little.
If you Miss even if you qualify, you are having brain damage too much.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ethics & Integrity

Jim Rohn: Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you're signed up for a season, see it through. You don't have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.

We can lose our money, our organisation, our job. But once we started to lose our ethics and integrity, we are Finished as a person.

Susan Boyle's British Got Talent

Momentum is Leader Best Friend 动力是领导者最好的朋友

Team momentum is Leader's Best Friend. Make full use of the Momentum and everyone will move up to the next level. A good leader is the one that creates the momentum. A good team is the one that follow through the momentum. The Momentum is here. Lets use them to the fullest.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

赵传 - 爱要怎么说出口!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

KL South East Asia Supervisor Academy 2009

Wake Up & Create The Life You Want

When we wake up 1 hour earlier everyday.
1 month we live another 30 hours.
1 year we live another 360 hours.
5 years we live another 1800 hours.
10 years we live another 3600 hours.
20 years we live another 7200 hours
Its so simple & Amazing!
7200 hours = 300 Days
24 years later we earn another year on EARTH!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Gift For Everybody

Mark Hughes says: Our success is only limited by our own imagination!



Thursday, April 02, 2009

Jim Rohn Motivational Quotes


每个人都希望被人重视、受人尊重、受人欢迎,但有时又难免被人嘲弄、受人侮辱、被人排挤,生活给了我们快乐的同时,也给了我们伤痛的体验。而这就是生活, 这就是我们需要面对的人生。

有的人能够很坦然地面对一切,痛并快乐着;有的人却成天为一点小事火上心头,或者悲观丧气,怨天尤人。其实,很多时候是我们自 己小肚鸡肠,斤斤计较那些虚无的名利,而把所有的责任推到别人的身上,我们为什么不想想如果我们自己足够优秀,别人还会对你冷眼嘲讽吗?

所以,让自己快乐 的最好办法就是自己争气,去做得更好,在格上、在知识上、在智慧上、在实力上使自己加倍成长,变得更加强大,使许多问题迎刃而解。此所谓生气不如争气。